​​​ One Step at a Time

​​​ One Step at a Time

​​20th March 2018 - SASTRA aims for support from Corporates & Individual for RM 200,000.00 to expand the Human and Career Development (HCDC) Project at 13 State Malaysian Schools.

​​20th March 2018 - SASTRA aims for support from Corporates & Individual for RM 200,000.00 to expand the Human and Career Development (HCDC) Project at 13 State Malaysian Schools.

Malaysian Schools Human and Career Development Center (HCDC), a social initiative pilot project launched in 2012 with an intention to study the benefits of transforming Malaysian Schools Counseling Departments to Human and Career Development Center. In 2014, the project officially positioned at the First school in Malaysia at Selangor, SMK Taman Ehsan and followed by in Kedah at SMK Lubok Buntar with various support provided by individuals and corporates. We have manage to successfully impact the system and the children via programs and activities. 

The Malaysian Schools Human and Career Development Center (HCDC) and its Programmes were established with one ultimate clear aim, to take responsibility to contribute towards the Malaysia Education Blue Print 2013-2025 under Shift 9 (Partner with Parents, Community and Private Sector at Scale). The HCDC concepts are aimed to optimize schools counselling departments to focus as Human and Career Development Centers. It is to integrate relevant pedagogy and strategies that suits to close the gap at Malaysian national school. SASTRA primary objective is to strengthen the schools department and bridging high school students and industry with a platform for the students to avoid any indecisiveness and they are able to gain the necessary experience and knowledge to make the choices about their tertiary education and career pathways. Furthermore, with an aim of removing the stigmatization as Counselling Departments are only for “Problematic Students" and anyone who comes for help towards this center are labelled as Bad Students.

SASTRA believes that it’s every stakeholder’s responsibility. The Ministry of Education Malaysia acknowledged our findings and approved SASTRA to carry out the pilot project at any selected schools which it feels suitable and meets the criteria to implement Shift 9 in any of the 13 States in Malaysia by stages.

SASTRA track records show that we are serious in bringing this change at Malaysia national schools since 2012. We have not given up in this challenging journey and will not give up until we reach to implement the concept at 13 states. We have always managed our limited funds effectively and efficiently. We have produced talents who are willing to support at schools and ensure that the HCDC project continues at Malaysia Schools.

SASTRA is preparing to position at remaining 11 states and estimated operations will cost RM 200,000.00 yearly to successfully implement the HCDC within each state and support the surrounding schools by stages. We aimed to execute this by 2018. Nevertheless, due to lack of funding, we have only managed to complete at 2 states. At present our water sales are able to support 2 of our hub schools.( Selangor and Kedah). We are seeking support from at least 13 MNC or SME's corporate companies to come forward by allocating collectively RM 15,000.00 for each state (1 school per state) who will be our Corporate Partners towards the school adoption program. If your organisation is seeking to support in education as a CSR activity or believe in this project, please do not hesitate to be part of the HCDC project. Do contact us at support@sastraeducation.com. 

Thank you

Volunteering Board Of Trustees 2018.

Malaysian Schools Human and Career Development Center (HCDC), a social initiative pilot project launched in 2012 with an intention to study the benefits of transforming Malaysian Schools Counseling Departments to Human and Career Development Center. In 2014, the project officially positioned at the First school in Malaysia at Selangor, SMK Taman Ehsan and followed by in Kedah at SMK Lubok Buntar with various support provided by individuals and corporates. We have manage to successfully impact the system and the children via programs and activities. 

At this junction, we are very thankfull for the support provided by Footlink, Viper Niza Racing, IT Stream Technology, SMK Taman Ehsan, SMK Lubok Buntar and individuals who are purchasing drinking water bottles from us which is our primary product and helping us to keep the projects sustainable. We have  the schools and volunteer teachers who are gearing up to implement the HCDC programs however, we are lack of funds to expand to our remaining targeted states. 

SASTRA aims for support from Corporates & Individual for RM 200,000.00 to expand the Human and Career Development (HCDC) Project at 13 State Malaysian Schools.

At this junction, we are very thankfull for the support provided by Footlink, Viper Niza Racing, IT Stream Technology, SMK Taman Ehsan, SMK Lubok Buntar and individuals who are purchasing drinking water bottles from us which is our primary product and helping us to keep the projects sustainable. We have  the schools and volunteer teachers who are gearing up to implement the HCDC programs however, we are lack of funds to expand to our remaining targeted states.